With the grace of the Lord, We invite you to the wedding of: dr. Celynka FinlandaDaughter ofTedi Supriadi &Police Inspector General (Ret). Dr. Juansih. Dra.SH.M.Hum @username Justin DanoSon ofRobert Lee Dano &Kimberly Lyne Dano @username ““I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” ” Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Our Event Wedding CeremonySaturday 0 2023Marchat 13.00LocationEmbassy of the Republic of Indonesia30 Great Peter St, London SW1P 2BU Maps 00Days00Hours00Minutes00Seconds
RSVP Nama Handphone Would you attend? Konfirmasi Kehadiran Yes, I willSorry, I cannot make it Total Jumlah 1234567 Send Confirmation Wedding Gift a.n Julian dari Einvite.id031 000 123 45xx Copy a.n Julian dari Einvite.id031 000 123 45xx Copy
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A heartfelt thanks for your presence, wishes and blessings in our special day. We're BlessedCelynka & Justin By