Silver Wedding AnniversaryIwan&FannySaturday02 | 12 | 2023DearMr & MrsDistinguished Guest Open Invitation
By the love and grace of our Lord Jesus ChristWe cordially invite you to join and celebrate our specialSilver Wedding Anniversary Iwan Dharmawan @Iwandharmawan27 Fanny Susilo @Fanny_susilo “Unless The Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.”Psalm 127:1#iwanfannysilverwedding
Our Special Event Thanksgiving Serviceand DinnerSaturday 0 December2023Start at 17.30 in the eveningLocationBunga Rampai Restaurant 1st FloorJl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No 35 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310 Maps Add to Calendar Add to Calendar Days Hours Minutes Seconds Acara Telah DilaksanakanDresscode:White formal Shirt for Gentleman,Pastel Dress for Ladies.#iwanfannysilverwedding
Confirmation Nama Handphone Would you present? Konfirmasi Kehadiran Yes I WillSorry, We unable to attend Total Jumlah 012 Submit * Appreciate your confirmation at the latest on28 November 2023. Thank You#iwanfannysilverwedding
Wishes 16 Wishes*Lebih dari 25 Hurup, Mohon Kurangi*Minimal 2 karakter.Konfirmasi KehadiranHadirTidak hadir*Silahkan pilih konfirmasi kehadiranDo not change these fields following #iwanfannysilverwedding
It will be the most wonderful day of our lives and it would not be the same without you. We are truly grateful for your generosity and presence on our special day. We're BlessedIwan&Fanny #iwanfannysilverweddingPowered By Hubungi Kami